Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: April 2018
Generated 01-May-2018 01:00 +03

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for April 2018
Total Hits 348861
Total Files 337238
Total Pages 37223
Total Visits 12275
Total KBytes 10779329
Total Unique Sites 16683
Total Unique URLs 1581
Total Unique Referrers 4237
Total Unique User Agents 3612
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 484 1388
Hits per Day 11628 15570
Files per Day 11241 15039
Pages per Day 1240 2023
Sites per Day 556 1351
Visits per Day 409 552
KBytes per Day 359311 582745
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 96.67% 337238
Code 206 - Partial Content 0.44% 1528
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 0.37% 1282
Code 302 - Found 0.05% 188
Code 304 - Not Modified 0.64% 2238
Code 403 - Forbidden 0.08% 273
Code 404 - Not Found 1.75% 6101
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 0.00% 2
Code 503 - Service Unavailable 0.00% 11

Daily usage for April 2018

Daily Statistics for April 2018
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 11924 3.42% 11626 3.45% 1336 3.59% 389 3.17% 822 4.93% 385526 3.58%
2 11236 3.22% 10783 3.20% 1579 4.24% 514 4.19% 976 5.85% 349901 3.25%
3 11087 3.18% 10878 3.23% 1503 4.04% 413 3.36% 840 5.04% 408685 3.79%
4 12160 3.49% 11823 3.51% 1723 4.63% 502 4.09% 875 5.24% 368292 3.42%
5 10777 3.09% 10176 3.02% 2023 5.43% 552 4.50% 951 5.70% 420831 3.90%
6 12076 3.46% 11872 3.52% 1344 3.61% 438 3.57% 768 4.60% 290645 2.70%
7 11940 3.42% 11714 3.47% 1235 3.32% 366 2.98% 676 4.05% 344248 3.19%
8 11666 3.34% 11396 3.38% 1418 3.81% 354 2.88% 934 5.60% 389949 3.62%
9 14156 4.06% 13725 4.07% 1315 3.53% 464 3.78% 974 5.84% 415494 3.85%
10 15570 4.46% 15039 4.46% 1352 3.63% 528 4.30% 971 5.82% 502973 4.67%
11 14666 4.20% 14465 4.29% 1255 3.37% 433 3.53% 960 5.75% 429106 3.98%
12 12796 3.67% 12560 3.72% 922 2.48% 402 3.27% 922 5.53% 582745 5.41%
13 11812 3.39% 11583 3.43% 803 2.16% 434 3.54% 895 5.36% 260506 2.42%
14 11139 3.19% 10990 3.26% 764 2.05% 364 2.97% 815 4.89% 291567 2.70%
15 10685 3.06% 10556 3.13% 984 2.64% 400 3.26% 875 5.24% 327632 3.04%
16 14117 4.05% 13374 3.97% 1269 3.41% 378 3.08% 1351 8.10% 404725 3.75%
17 14621 4.19% 13973 4.14% 1328 3.57% 437 3.56% 1192 7.14% 376367 3.49%
18 11718 3.36% 11192 3.32% 1084 2.91% 395 3.22% 969 5.81% 331125 3.07%
19 10160 2.91% 9748 2.89% 795 2.14% 398 3.24% 1081 6.48% 486238 4.51%
20 10418 2.99% 9948 2.95% 1179 3.17% 425 3.46% 1043 6.25% 415461 3.85%
21 9264 2.66% 8715 2.58% 1692 4.55% 430 3.50% 950 5.69% 330845 3.07%
22 11333 3.25% 10979 3.26% 1127 3.03% 368 3.00% 866 5.19% 290769 2.70%
23 11106 3.18% 10774 3.19% 1308 3.51% 338 2.75% 839 5.03% 305725 2.84%
24 10065 2.89% 9733 2.89% 877 2.36% 355 2.89% 787 4.72% 311364 2.89%
25 11234 3.22% 10721 3.18% 938 2.52% 341 2.78% 808 4.84% 286010 2.65%
26 10284 2.95% 9608 2.85% 1401 3.76% 368 3.00% 858 5.14% 394174 3.66%
27 9532 2.73% 9057 2.69% 1183 3.18% 382 3.11% 833 4.99% 312762 2.90%
28 11652 3.34% 11288 3.35% 897 2.41% 365 2.97% 877 5.26% 246823 2.29%
29 9278 2.66% 9008 2.67% 1165 3.13% 365 2.97% 813 4.87% 230895 2.14%
30 10389 2.98% 9934 2.95% 1424 3.83% 424 3.45% 981 5.88% 287946 2.67%

Hourly usage for April 2018

Hourly Statistics for April 2018
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 493 14813 4.25% 481 14452 4.29% 59 1794 4.82% 13694 410816 3.81%
1 373 11211 3.21% 365 10971 3.25% 45 1354 3.64% 10961 328835 3.05%
2 324 9741 2.79% 311 9357 2.77% 53 1606 4.31% 6974 209215 1.94%
3 289 8673 2.49% 278 8369 2.48% 42 1276 3.43% 7304 219121 2.03%
4 273 8194 2.35% 265 7961 2.36% 55 1678 4.51% 6468 194049 1.80%
5 203 6117 1.75% 198 5947 1.76% 34 1036 2.78% 4626 138769 1.29%
6 223 6692 1.92% 215 6469 1.92% 43 1308 3.51% 5625 168760 1.57%
7 292 8767 2.51% 282 8460 2.51% 48 1461 3.92% 9105 273147 2.53%
8 399 11992 3.44% 383 11518 3.42% 56 1690 4.54% 11169 335069 3.11%
9 494 14834 4.25% 479 14380 4.26% 51 1547 4.16% 24282 728453 6.76%
10 529 15895 4.56% 512 15372 4.56% 42 1270 3.41% 18013 540388 5.01%
11 533 15997 4.59% 516 15499 4.60% 44 1343 3.61% 14775 443248 4.11%
12 535 16054 4.60% 505 15171 4.50% 62 1882 5.06% 16392 491747 4.56%
13 598 17967 5.15% 571 17134 5.08% 54 1631 4.38% 21832 654954 6.08%
14 570 17129 4.91% 550 16506 4.89% 50 1501 4.03% 15760 472805 4.39%
15 608 18249 5.23% 581 17438 5.17% 55 1650 4.43% 22306 669180 6.21%
16 628 18842 5.40% 613 18398 5.46% 55 1658 4.45% 18227 546812 5.07%
17 580 17415 4.99% 564 16927 5.02% 50 1529 4.11% 17416 522494 4.85%
18 567 17016 4.88% 551 16556 4.91% 63 1891 5.08% 19185 575555 5.34%
19 613 18397 5.27% 597 17922 5.31% 56 1705 4.58% 17690 530692 4.92%
20 627 18837 5.40% 611 18344 5.44% 47 1414 3.80% 19486 584574 5.42%
21 658 19765 5.67% 643 19297 5.72% 50 1529 4.11% 20774 623226 5.78%
22 658 19755 5.66% 626 18798 5.57% 62 1872 5.03% 19885 596541 5.53%
23 550 16509 4.73% 533 15992 4.74% 53 1598 4.29% 17363 520882 4.83%

Top 30 of 1581 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 62677 17.97% 558984 5.19% /forum/viewtopic.php
2 14072 4.03% 82569 0.77% /forum/search.php
3 11116 3.19% 76100 0.71% /forum/posting.php
4 8394 2.41% 9959 0.09% /
5 8348 2.39% 187482 1.74% /forum/viewforum.php
6 8148 2.34% 9752 0.09% /favicon.ico
7 7626 2.19% 66172 0.61% /stats/
8 7000 2.01% 525578 4.88% /forum/assets/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff2
9 6167 1.77% 30783 0.29% /forum/memberlist.php
10 5998 1.72% 15557 0.14% /forum/styles/prosilver/theme/forms.css
11 5995 1.72% 13363 0.12% /forum/styles/prosilver/theme/cp.css
12 5991 1.72% 36465 0.34% /forum/styles/prosilver/theme/common.css
13 5986 1.72% 8757 0.08% /forum/styles/prosilver/theme/buttons.css
14 5986 1.72% 26424 0.25% /forum/styles/prosilver/theme/content.css
15 5980 1.71% 18481 0.17% /forum/styles/prosilver/theme/responsive.css
16 5980 1.71% 6461 0.06% /forum/styles/prosilver_se/theme/stylesheet.css
17 5975 1.71% 9146 0.08% /forum/styles/prosilver/theme/links.css
18 5965 1.71% 37819 0.35% /forum/styles/prosilver/theme/colours.css
19 5965 1.71% 18905 0.18% /forum/styles/prosilver/theme/normalize.css
20 5952 1.71% 7953 0.07% /forum/styles/prosilver/theme/base.css
21 5943 1.70% 6605 0.06% /forum/styles/prosilver/theme/icons.css
22 5941 1.70% 4967 0.05% /forum/styles/prosilver/theme/utilities.css
23 5923 1.70% 48301 0.45% /forum/assets/css/font-awesome.min.css
24 5902 1.69% 228897 2.12% /forum/assets/javascript/jquery.min.js
25 5883 1.69% 91739 0.85% /forum/assets/javascript/core.js
26 5871 1.68% 47935 0.44% /forum/styles/prosilver/template/forum_fn.js
27 5864 1.68% 27521 0.26% /forum/styles/prosilver/template/ajax.js
28 5732 1.64% 2290 0.02% /forum/styles/prosilver/theme/en/stylesheet.css
29 5677 1.63% 4081 0.04% /forum/styles/prosilver_se/theme/images/bg_header.gif
30 5185 1.49% 1503 0.01% /robots.txt

Top 10 of 1581 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 334 0.10% 1880402 17.44% /bilimsel/tez/oh_yl.pdf
2 62677 17.97% 558984 5.19% /forum/viewtopic.php
3 7000 2.01% 525578 4.88% /forum/assets/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff2
4 371 0.11% 277798 2.58% /download/eslik/kulturbak/15.mp3
5 58 0.02% 273598 2.54% /bilimsel/makale/B-Jelen-2.pdf
6 538 0.15% 264245 2.45% /download/sunumlar/Vivaldi-2.pps
7 11 0.00% 255233 2.37% /download/sunumlar/Schumann.pps
8 97 0.03% 244128 2.26% /download/eslik/istiklal-marsi.wav
9 5902 1.69% 228897 2.12% /forum/assets/javascript/jquery.min.js
10 8348 2.39% 187482 1.74% /forum/viewforum.php

Top 10 of 258 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 8394 2.41% 2810 23.54% /
2 3620 1.04% 1144 9.58% /forum/
3 7626 2.19% 810 6.79% /stats/
4 492 0.14% 442 3.70% /universite/egitim_fak.html
5 457 0.13% 389 3.26% /bilimsel/bildiri/I-Eskioglu_1.html
6 423 0.12% 357 2.99% /download/eslik.html
7 685 0.20% 322 2.70% /eski_forum_xyz/
8 911 0.26% 298 2.50% /stats/usage_201506.html
9 295 0.08% 243 2.04% /universite/konserve.html
10 273 0.08% 242 2.03% /bilimsel/bildiri/A-Helvaci.html

Top 10 of 257 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 8394 2.41% 2390 19.90% /
2 3620 1.04% 1299 10.82% /forum/
3 7626 2.19% 812 6.76% /stats/
4 492 0.14% 442 3.68% /universite/egitim_fak.html
5 457 0.13% 400 3.33% /bilimsel/bildiri/I-Eskioglu_1.html
6 423 0.12% 360 3.00% /download/eslik.html
7 720 0.21% 356 2.96% /ana.html
8 685 0.20% 321 2.67% /eski_forum_xyz/
9 911 0.26% 282 2.35% /stats/usage_201506.html
10 273 0.08% 243 2.02% /bilimsel/bildiri/A-Helvaci.html

Top 30 of 16683 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 23019 6.60% 22965 6.81% 160030 1.48% 20 0.16%
2 20609 5.91% 20521 6.09% 944089 8.76% 502 4.09%
3 10873 3.12% 10824 3.21% 83470 0.77% 19 0.15%
4 5947 1.70% 5947 1.76% 8428 0.08% 240 1.96%
5 5709 1.64% 5704 1.69% 124590 1.16% 13 0.11%
6 5644 1.62% 5525 1.64% 139853 1.30% 160 1.30%
7 5440 1.56% 5342 1.58% 119093 1.10% 159 1.30%
8 5347 1.53% 5238 1.55% 126769 1.18% 121 0.99%
9 3155 0.90% 3138 0.93% 105078 0.97% 117 0.95%
10 2337 0.67% 2337 0.69% 24560 0.23% 227 1.85%
11 2293 0.66% 2264 0.67% 14588 0.14% 3 0.02%
12 2272 0.65% 2257 0.67% 26227 0.24% 8 0.07%
13 1907 0.55% 1907 0.57% 15931 0.15% 45 0.37%
14 1603 0.46% 1256 0.37% 100663 0.93% 121 0.99%
15 1390 0.40% 1389 0.41% 8370 0.08% 8 0.07%
16 1325 0.38% 1036 0.31% 98210 0.91% 125 1.02%
17 1179 0.34% 1179 0.35% 12066 0.11% 3 0.02%
18 1118 0.32% 1101 0.33% 21083 0.20% 6 0.05%
19 1109 0.32% 1059 0.31% 25987 0.24% 5 0.04%
20 993 0.28% 756 0.22% 73427 0.68% 99 0.81%
21 888 0.25% 886 0.26% 6237 0.06% 4 0.03%
22 792 0.23% 792 0.23% 950 0.01% 28 0.23%
23 789 0.23% 473 0.14% 4951 0.05% 31 0.25%
24 762 0.22% 762 0.23% 38042 0.35% 112 0.91%
25 760 0.22% 734 0.22% 62837 0.58% 30 0.24%
26 758 0.22% 758 0.22% 41064 0.38% 7 0.06%
27 736 0.21% 708 0.21% 39900 0.37% 37 0.30%
28 730 0.21% 708 0.21% 59094 0.55% 37 0.30%
29 726 0.21% 682 0.20% 33322 0.31% 25 0.20%
30 724 0.21% 724 0.21% 5227 0.05% 4 0.03%

Top 10 of 16683 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 20609 5.91% 20521 6.09% 944089 8.76% 502 4.09%
2 125 0.04% 117 0.03% 276859 2.57% 2 0.02%
3 23019 6.60% 22965 6.81% 160030 1.48% 20 0.16%
4 5644 1.62% 5525 1.64% 139853 1.30% 160 1.30%
5 5347 1.53% 5238 1.55% 126769 1.18% 121 0.99%
6 5709 1.64% 5704 1.69% 124590 1.16% 13 0.11%
7 5440 1.56% 5342 1.58% 119093 1.10% 159 1.30%
8 3155 0.90% 3138 0.93% 105078 0.97% 117 0.95%
9 1603 0.46% 1256 0.37% 100663 0.93% 121 0.99%
10 1325 0.38% 1036 0.31% 98210 0.91% 125 1.02%

Top 30 of 4237 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 140671 40.32%
2 122225 35.04% - (Direct Request)
3 10595 3.04%
4 6604 1.89%
5 6131 1.76%
6 5582 1.60%
7 3032 0.87%
8 3025 0.87%
9 2748 0.79%
10 2647 0.76%
11 2443 0.70%
12 1950 0.56%
13 1800 0.52%
14 1481 0.42%
15 1120 0.32%
16 1036 0.30%
17 938 0.27%
18 928 0.27%
19 925 0.27%
20 921 0.26%
21 901 0.26%
22 853 0.24%
23 848 0.24%
24 821 0.24%
25 792 0.23%
26 709 0.20%
27 692 0.20%
28 661 0.19%
29 657 0.19%
30 608 0.17% android-app://

Top 20 of 22 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 2 8.70% müzikle ilgili makaleler
2 1 4.35% cem karaca rap rap anlamı
3 1 4.35% güzel sanatlar lisesinde hangi dersler var
4 1 4.35% hüppen ne demek
5 1 4.35% keman çalanlarda görülen hastalıklar
6 1 4.35% konservatuarlar
7 1 4.35% muzigi ogrenme çocuk uzerindeki etkisi muzigin diger bilimlerle iliskisi
8 1 4.35% muzik ogretmenligi neden kadrolu degil
9 1 4.35% muzik ogretmenliginin onemi
10 1 4.35% müzik öğretmenliği hangi üniversitelerde var
11 1 4.35% müzik öğretmenliği olan üniversiteler
12 1 4.35% müzikte rezonans nedir
13 1 4.35% sanatta postmodernizm nasıl yapılır
14 1 4.35% ses eÄŸitimi nedir
15 1 4.35% stres tanımı
16 1 4.35% suzuki keman metodu
17 1 4.35% toplu ses egtitimi
18 1 4.35% toplu ses egtitimi bilgi
19 1 4.35% türk halk müziğinde üslup
20 1 4.35% türk halk müziğini icra eden sanatçılar

Top 15 of 3612 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 41526 11.90% MauiBot (
2 23267 6.67% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; YandexBot/3.0; +
3 21286 6.10% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/65.0.3325.181 Safari/537.36
4 14531 4.17% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; bingbot/2.0; +
5 12758 3.66% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/65.0.3325.181 Safari/537.36
6 10306 2.95% Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 11_3 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/11.0 Mobile/15E148 Sa
7 9814 2.81% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/65.0.3325.181 Safari/537.36
8 9534 2.73% Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 11_2_6 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/604.5.6 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/11.0 Mobile/15D100 S
9 6297 1.81% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/63.0.3239.84 Safari/537.36
10 6033 1.73% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; AhrefsBot/5.2; +
11 5709 1.64% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; DotBot/1.1;,
12 5270 1.51% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/65.0.3325.181 Safari/537.36
13 4697 1.35% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +
14 4209 1.21% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MJ12bot/v1.4.8;
15 3095 0.89% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Baiduspider/2.0; +

Usage by Country for April 2018

Top 1 of 1 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 348861 100.00% 338766 100.45% 10779329 100.00% Unresolved/Unknown

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.21