“Müzik Eðitiminde Çaðdaþ Yaklaþýmlar”



ISME, Early Childhood Commission Conference Session, Canary Islands,  July 11- 16, 2004


Mahiye Morgul: Music and Drama Teacher, Author. ISME Member:1337




Recreational Music Activities / Variations on a theme with Choral Method in Childhood Music Education.


Mahiye Morgül

Music Teacher, Yahya Çavus School

06370 Batikent

Ankara / Turkey



Phone number: 0090 312 2563605




Tradiotinal music in Turkey is linear and not polyphonic. Children find it  difficult to understand and to make polyphony. The Kodaly Method provides the teacher with great possibilities in this regard. If the music teacher has knowledge of creative drama and experiment, she/he can create a very attractive music lesson. This study is built on the universal song “Twinkle twinkle little star” as  the theme. The aims are to facilitate the  making of polyphony,  to create music and to understand musical concepts at this stage of progress. As well as creating a new game with familiar materials, recreational musical activities provide the most enjoyable experiences for children. Especially because they are very creative. These special features lead the way to how to teach musýc; the children suggest a new rule, then they themselves apply it again and again. So, our theme will be changed one parameter at a time: ýt’s a set of variations. This result of  this workshop may appear  a little bit like minimal music. But as this workshop progresses, and as you will see, much is learnt about variation technique.


Recreational Musical  Activities / Variations on a Theme with Choral Method in Childhood Music Education

Mahiye Morgül ( Music and Drama Teacher – Türkiye)




Tradiotinal music in Turkey is linear and not polyphonic. Children find it  difficult to understand and to make polyphony. The Kodaly Method provides the teacher with great possibilities in this regard. If the music teacher has knowledge of creative drama and experiment, she/he can create a very attractive music lesson. This study is built on the universal song “Twinkle twinkle little star” as  the theme. The aims are to facilitate the  making of polyphony,  to create music and to understand musical concepts at this stage of progress. As well as creating a new game with familiar materials, recreational musical activities provide the most enjoyable experiences for children. Especially because they are very creative. These special features lead the way to how to teach musýc; the children suggest a new rule, then they themselves apply it again and again. So, our theme will be changed one parameter at a time: ýt’s a set of variations. This result of  this workshop may appear  a little bit like minimal music. But as this workshop progresses, and as you will see, much is learnt about variation technique.


Theorical Framework:


According to Zoltan Kodaly, children listen to each other  when they sing and so they develop musical hearing. Their body is their metronome. It can move rhythmically and aesthetically. Choral Method is a group activity. It is important for a child to participate in group activities and to work and play as a member of group  A child who is in the music group can reach success as a result of group dynamism. Creative Drama method points this out and it is  the same concern as that of Choral Method. Both methods share music and drama. Children love to dance and sing at the same time. They are happy to see the success of the group. And so, they can understand  musical concepts and analyze other compositions.



Warm-up is the first activity, that is communication with oneself using Alexander Technique. In this, abdominal muscles, head, and neck will be made ready. Breath will be enlarged by an imaginary game. These are also activities for concentration. The children are grouped in twos. Using the techniques of Creative Drama,  every couple create their own dance while they sing. They touch each other during this exercise. This is communication and corporation with partner. Then they perform their own individual dance. The results of these activities are self-confidence, creativity, control, and consistency. After choosing one of the dances, performing it in front of the audience by the whole group raises this to the level of artistic activity. After this, variations on the theme activities will be started. Each variation is intended to lead to another one step at a time.


Recreational Music Activities


Details of The Plan of Presentation:


Warm-up: 3 min.

To prepare the abdomen muscles by drawing number with foot.

To prepare the head and neck by imaginary balloon.

To prepare the breathing by “fly in my palm” game.

To prepare the tongue and full body by imaginary clock.


Song and dance: 10 min.

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star /Jp.Khira khira hikaroo /Tr.Yasasin okulumuz

-“Dialogue in pairs, create your own dance and  sing the song in two minutes. If you want to use chiffon, here it is.”

-“Show us your own dance.”

-“Let`s choose one of them and play it with the whole group.”


The theme on staff: Solfeggio 2 min.




See: There are two phrases; A and B. There is Da Capo al Fine. There are repeat sections and the sign of repeat measure. The theme is made up with quarter notes. (Melody is minimized?). Its structure is AABA.


Variation / Recompose by new rhythm pattern: 3 min.


Each measure of theme is changed according to new rhythmic pattern.

To build the theme we made first example as before. Second one is the melody.  The third one is different, “Do it solfeggio”.


            1                                     2                                                               3




The rhythmic patterns can be according to high class; with syncope, triple, 1/16 note etc.


Variation / Recompose with  new vocal sounds: 5 min.

(Adding new vocal sound to rhythm pattern.)

Add “du du du du” to first one.

Add “dubi dubi dubi du” to second one.

Add “du du dubi du” to third one.


Recreational Music Activities

Variation / Recompose with new musical elements: 5 min.

(Adding new musical element to vocal sound.)

Add piano and tied two notes on theme.

Add forte to first measure and pianissimo to second measure with “dubi…” vocal

Add allegro and accent to A phrase, add adagio and legato to B phrase with “du du dubi du” vocal. (In reality, students write those elements on staff.)


Variation / Recompose with new beat: 5 min.

(You may use handout for your children. It may the writing and reading exercises.)

Using chiffon  is suggested. Chiffon is Turkish folk dance material.

3/4 beat is difficult for Turkish children. But 5/8 beat is easy for them.


a- 3/4 Waltz                                  b- 5/8 From Turkish Folk




   lal     la         lal      la                  lay     li      ri          lil    lam


In waltz; you may swing and shake your chiffon.

In 5/8; hang chiffon between the two fingers on right hand and clap on to per beat.


Variation / Recompose by polyphony: 15 min.

Add ostinato DO-SOL ( C and G ) with half note. You may play the piano or bass metallophone.

Make round.  The second group starts after two beats.

Make gamelan. In theme per quarter note is changed to half note for the second group without repeat when the first group is singing melody.

Add ostinato to gamelan for three groups if you want.

(This activity needs a handout in classroom for them to see the structure.)


Final: 5 min. (If the participants want)

With chosen activities.

1.Music and dance, “Twinkle twinkle…”

2.Round, “dubi dubi dubi du”

3.Changed tempo allegro / adagio, “du du dubi du”

4.Gamelan, solfeggio.

5.Waltz, “lal la”. (with shiffon)

6.5/8 beat, “lay liri lil lam” (round with shiffon)


Evaluation: 5 min.

“Close your eyes and think about this study. Did you have good fun? Did you have any important experiences? When your feelings are OK, open your eyes. Share your ideas with us. Thank you.” (Please write your ideas and give me after workshop)


Mahiye Morgül

               Some ideas:
               “Wonderful! Wonderful! I enjoyed the way your incorporated singing + movement with a great preparation before the lesson. The exercise to keep everyone motivated was great. Thanks!”
                                              Donald De Vito
                                              University of Florida
                                              Sidney Lanier School Music Director USA
               I particularly liked the variations on familiar theme, from very simple to complex.
               It was interesting to use Turkish rhythms, particularly as a round.”
                                              Robyn Trinick / New Zeland
               “I will tell to everybody this workshop. It was most important one.” 
                                              Helena Oliveira / Brasil(Opera singer, 82 Years old)
               My English is not well, but I understood and I liked. Thank you.”
                                              Ana Maria Souze / Bahia/Brasil