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The 8th Int. Conf. for Research in Music Ed. (İngiltere)

Gönderilme zamanı: 17 Oca Sal, 17:09
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The 8th International Conference for Research in Music Education
April 2-6, 2013
Graduate School of Education
University of Exeter

Call for Papers – Deadline 31 October 2012

The aim of the conference is to gather together researchers, teachers and practitioners to share and discuss research that is concerned with all aspects of teaching and learning in music: musical development, perception and understanding, creativity, learning theory, pedagogy, curriculum design, informal settings, music for special needs, technologies, instrumental teaching, teacher education, gender and culture. Music education is also viewed in the context of arts education, the whole curriculum and its socio cultural contexts.


Dr Pamela Burnard – Cambridge University, UK
Professor Gary McPherson – Melbourne University, Australia
Dr Kate Overy – Edinburgh University, UK

•Abstracts of no more than 300 words should be submitted with an indication of the mode of presentation: e.g. paper, poster, symposium etc.
•Abstracts should be sent as Word compatible documents. Please DO NOT send pdf documents.
•Authors who intend to submit their work to the journal should indicate this on the abstract (i.e. ‘this article will also be submitted to the journal for review’)
•Paper presentations should be 20 minutes in length, to be followed by up to 10 minutes chaired discussion time.
•Practical workshops linking research to practice are especially welcome.
•If you are interested in organising a symposium please contact the conference director before submitting an abstract.
•Criteria for acceptance: original, well conducted and reported research, relevant to an international audience in the field of music education, demonstrating sufficient command of English.
•A short curriculum vitae (resumé) of no more than one side of A4 must be attached.

Submit to rime@ex.ac.uk

All abstracts are anonymously reviewed. On acceptance, authors will be invited to submit an extended summary of 1,000 words which will be published in the conference proceedings online after the conference.

Papers to be considered for publication in the journal ‘Music Education Research’ should be submitted electronically directly to the journal (http://mc. Manuscriptcentral.com/cmue). Papers for the journal should be between 5000 and 8000 words and conform to requirements of the journal (see style guidelines at http://www.informaworld.com/cmue).

Conference Director: Sarah Hennessy
Further details and booking information will be available from May 2012 at http://www.ex.ac.uk/sell/conferences/rime