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III. Uluslararası Müzik Sempozyumu (Bremen, 8-11 Mart 2011)

Gönderilme zamanı: 10 Mar Çrş, 17:16
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The Culture of Shared Practice: Music Assessment across Cultures and Continents
The 3rd International Symposium on Assessment in Music Education

University of Bremen, Bremen, Germany and the University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, USA
March 8-11, 2011, University of Bremen, Bremen, Germany

Organizing Chairs:
Timothy S. Brophy, PhD, University of Florida
Prof. Dr. Andreas Lehmann-Wermser, University of Bremen

The music education faculties of the University of Florida School of Music and the University of Bremen will host a Symposium on Assessment in Music Education from March 8-11, 2011, on the campus of the University of Bremen in Bremen, Germany. This symposium will focus on identifying and exploring the shared practices and foundations for assessment in music education across the world¹s cultures and continents. We invite music educators from across the world to join us in Bremen.

Key Questions. As we seek to define the culture of shared practice in music education assessment, this symposium will focus upon the following key questions:
What are the purposes of assessment in music education across diverse educational systems?
What strategies and techniques do practitioners use to assess student music learning in music classrooms across the world¹s cultures and continents?
Which large-scale assessments of student music learning are effective?
In what ways does assessment improve music teaching and learning most effectively?
What are the shared research priorities for assessment in music education?

Call for Papers and Presentations. We invite submissions of full papers, poster session abstracts, panel discussions, and assessment strategy
presentations that address the symposium theme and key questions, including but not limited to:
Current philosophical and theoretical foundations for assessment in music education
The purposes of assessment in the music curriculum
The relationship between curriculum and assessment development and practice in music education
Assessment in music teacher education, including the assessment of preservice teachers, and teaching preservice teachers to assess preK-12
Effective assessment practices, and issues related to the daily practice of music assessment for K-12 music teachers
The effective uses of music assessment data to facilitate student learning and teacher development
The role of technology in facilitating music assessment
Current research and collaborative efforts in music assessment
Local, state, and national music assessment initiatives

Details of the submission process are available at http://conferences.dce.ufl.edu./ISAME
Submissions are due by August 15, 2010.
Submissions may be considered for publication in the symposium proceedings (to read about the 2007 and 2009 ISAME proceedings, go to
All submissions will be reviewed by an international panel of prominent music educators, and notifications will be completed by October 1, 2010. Early submissions are encouraged. Email any questions to isame3@arts.ufl.edu